The California Public Records Act requires inspection and/or disclosure of governmental records to the public upon request, unless exempted by law. To make a public records request, fill out this form or call the CalPERS Office of Stakeholder Relations at (916) 795-3055. Information is collected in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

Any records or documents released via the Public Records Act are open to the public. Therefore, to protect your privacy we are unable to process requests for personal records through this method. For your own account information, including change of address forms, W2/1099 forms, personal health information, or beneficiary information, log in to myCalPERS or call us at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377). Our international phone number is +1 916-795-3000.

Refer to Public Records Summary Reports for information on submitted public records requests.

Public records maintained by CalPERS are available for public inspection according to the following guidelines:

  • Records are available for inspection during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Requests to inspect or copy public records should:
    • Be specific, focused, and not interfere with the ordinary business operations of CalPERS (When a request doesn’t meet the above criteria, CalPERS staff will assist in identifying the requested information, describe the technology or record's physical location, and suggest how to overcome practical barriers to disclosure. CalPERS' operational functions won't be suspended to permit records inspections during periods when such records are reasonably required by CalPERS staff in their duties. If the request requires review of numerous records, establish a mutually agreeable time for the records inspection.)
    • Sufficiently describe the records so they can be identified, located, and retrieved by CalPERS personnel
    • In accordance with Government Code section 7920.000 et seq, Public Records Act Requests submitted to CalPERS for processing are generally public records. Accordingly, please do not include sensitive information in the request such as social security numbers, dates of birth, CalPERS ID numbers, etc.
    • Be made orally, in writing, or by completing our online form (written requests are preferred unless the request seeks records maintained by CalPERS for immediate public inspection.)
  • CalPERS may refuse to disclose any records exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act (Government Code, Section 6254 et seq).
  • CalPERS will determine records inspections conditions. Upon either the completion of the inspection or oral request of CalPERS personnel, the person conducting the inspection shall relinquish physical possession of the records. Persons inspecting CalPERS records shall not destroy, mutilate, deface, alter, or remove any such records from CalPERS. CalPERS reserves the right to have CalPERS personnel present during the records inspections in order to prevent the loss or destruction of records.
  • Appointments are recommended and can be scheduled with the Public Records Act Coordinator at (916) 795-3055.
  • Copies of records that are not exempt from disclosure are available upon prepayment of the copying cost of ten cents ($.10) per page.
  • CalPERS will post all Form 700s and travel information for CalPERS Board Members and key staff on the CalPERS website.
  • These guidelines shall be posted in a conspicuous public place in CalPERS, and a free copy shall be provided upon request.

For more information, contact the CalPERS Office of Stakeholder Relations, 400 Q Street, Sacramento, CA 95811.

Public Records Request Form

(Example: mm/dd/yyyy or date range mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy)

Provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. In accordance with Government Code section 7920.000 et seq, Public Records Act Requests submitted to CalPERS for processing are generally public records. Accordingly, please do not include sensitive information in the request such as social security numbers, dates of birth, CalPERS ID numbers, etc.




Check Request Status

Check the status of your public records request. If you need help, email us or call (916) 795-3055.